Holiday Special! Golf Lesson Gift Certificates
Meet & Greet: April 30th at 5:30 PM – Join us for complimentary snacks and beverages and meet your fellow league players!
League Start Date: May 7th
This year the Saddleback Women’s league is a 9-hole social league.
The goal of the Saddleback Ladies Golf League is to promote the enjoyment of the game of golf by women golfers and create a fellowship among its members through organized weekly play and social activities.
We welcome all women golfers who find enjoyment in the game of golf regardless of level of play; from those who are just beginning and would like to meet other women golfers to those who have been playing on a regular basis and found consistency in their game. We will strive to help all women improve their game by having fun, meeting new friends, and understanding the rules of golf
(especially those that will apply most frequently).
If you have any questions in regards to this league, please contact our league officer Karen Stephenson
Call 720-771-5173