Holiday Special! Golf Lesson Gift Certificates

Valentine’s Day Special! Golf Lesson Gift Certificates

Summer On-Course Series

*** For Intermediate & Advanced Golfers with Prior Course Experience ***

*** No-Charge Assessment Session Required If Not Pre-Approved ***

9-Hole Play Each Day

Small Group Instruction with Individual Golfer Training

Putting, short game, full-swing, bunker play, fun challenges/games, basic etiquette and rules

8:1 maximum golfer/instructor ratio.  Minimum golfers: 4,  Maximum golfers: 16 (each series per age group)

Tuesday Sessions (8) June & July

June 10, 17, 24, & July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

(no session on Father’s Day)

Age 9-13 & Age 14-18: 7:30-12:30 (split up by age/skill level)

$595 (Early Bird price: $545 if paid by 3/31)


$50 Saddleback Gift Card issued if registering the same golfer in this program and the Summer Development Series


> Online Registration CLICK HERE <

Phone/Text: 970.556.0873  Paul McQuade

Golf Shop: 303.833.5000

 Email: [email protected]

All Sessions Delivered by Saddleback Instructors:

Paul McQuade Director of Instruction